
A unique psychobiotic solution for mental wellness

With the patented Bifidobacterium longum 1714™ strain, (ProbioBrain™) the first and only solution clinically studied to address the multifaceted and interconnected dimensions of mental wellness.
Learn how you can help people harness the incredible power of the Gut-Brain Axis.

“Ultimately, there is no health without mental health” 1

Industry insights show that people want natural, clinically studied solutions to help manage daily demands on their mental and emotional wellness.

Young woman with hair blowing in the wind


Mental wellness is the #1 health concern2 for Global consumers


of consumers associate probiotics with Brain Health3


The Brain Health supplements market is valued at $34bn by 2030, growing at 5-6% CAGR4

Psychobiotics are here: it's a new era

The Brain Health supplement have emerged as one of the fastest growing categories within the global dietary supplement market.
As a result, the research on Brain Health is booming – recent discoveries involving bi-directional connections between our Gut and our Brain have opened new fields of possibilities and huge interest among both consumers and healthcare professionals.
A new generation of probiotics have emerged, targeting specifically the gut-brain axis: Psychobiotics.


Key benefits statements5 based on B. longum 1714™ strain in ProbioBrain™

  • Helps manage the psychological and physiological response to everyday stress
  • Improves the quality of night’s sleep and reduces daytime fatigue
  • Enhances energy and vitality levels to boost productivity
  • Helps balance emotions and supports social functioning
  • Reduces feelings of low mood6

The gold-standard science and versatile options behind ProbioBrain™ enable our customers to deliver solutions that help people and stand out in the marketplace.

A "double strike" unique mode of action

Bifidobacterium longum 1714™ strain was first isolated from a mucosal biopsy sample taken from the colon of a healthy human.
Being isolated from the mucosal surface already tells us key information about this strain:
o naturally occurring;
o normal bacterial resident of the healthy human GI tract
o functionality within the complex GI tract
The "Double-strike” mode of action of Bifidobacterium longum 1714™ involves the complex interaction between immune system, stress and tryptophan metabolism, which are uniquely connected in our body’s physiology.


  1. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization

  2. Euromonitor: Voice of the Consumer - Definition of Health (2022)

  3. Lumina intelligence, The Gut-Brain Axis Opportunity in 25 countries, 2022)

  4. Frost and Sullivan - NZ Proprietary study. (2023)

  5. Stress (Published Data) - 25251188 Pre-clinical behavior, 25794930 Pre-clinical behavior, 27801892 - healthy adults (male), 30998517 - healthy adults, 34589719 - healthy adults / Sleep (Clinical Trial Complete – Manuscript Submitted): Identifier: NCT04167475 – healthy adults with self-reported poor sleep / Mood (Recruitment Complete) - Identifier: NCT04925440 –healthy adults but with self-reported symptoms of low mood/depression with mild-moderate severity.

  6. Low mood study made with 10b CFU

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